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Try This Proven WayTo Lose Weight After 40



One method that's being used to fight the signs of aging and increase your lifespan is following calorie restriction diets. It is based on the he basic premise to severely limit caloric intake without actually starving your system. Since this theory is completely understood by the medical community, it is worth considering as an anti aging diet. A respected gerontologist, Doctor Roy Walford of the UCLA Medical, originally proposed the theory. Dr Walford theorizes that calorie restriction will cause people to lose weight to the point of metabolic efficiency which in turn promotes optimal health especially anti aging health.

No Actual Starving just Super Reduction of Nutrition

Not only does calorie restriction extend a persons life in a healthy way, but it will help prevent the onset of disease as well. The thought behind this is that the anti-aging diet reduces the amount of insulin the body produces, which lowers the signs of aging. It is well known that excess insulin production can speed the aging process with detrimental function and appearance.

Another benefit of a calorie restricted diet is the resulting lower oxidative stresses on your body. Benefits of antioxidants has been widely communicated and you are sure to have heard of them already. Increase the chances of good antioxidants and decrease the chances of bad properties from entering your body all by simply eating fewer calories but from quality foods. Of course, this will help increase the body's overall wellness.

In order for calorie restriction to be effective, you will have to work closely with a dietician to discover exactly which foods you should avoid and which ones must be included in your diet.With this diet,making the calories from the foods you eat have value rather than cutting everything out is your prmary focus.Empty caloric foods have no place in the diet.Choose a nutrient rich wholesome diet rather than using meal replacement solutions that don't have the same benefits most times. You would also benefit from eating those foods that are considered to be super foods; those with acceptable levels of calories and high nutrient levels.

If you decide that calorie restriction is something you want to implement, you should do so with the advice and help of your physician. Remember, you are not trying to cut back on how much you eat, but should take a good look at what you are eating.Your focus should be on replacement of any higher calorie, bad foods with the lower calorie nutritious foods instead as you certainly won't starve yourself as some suspect.

This anti-aging, calorie restriction diet was theorized after years of longevity and aging research with experiments with animals by Doctor Walford. In addition to following the high-low diet, he emphasized the importance of using vitamin and mineral supplements along with moderate exercise, visit my anti aging exercise on my website mentioned in bio below for further age specific exercise and diet plans online . There have been a number of follow-up studies conducted, most notably from Doctor Sonntag and Wake Forest University School of Medicine researches that indicate that calorie restriction can indeed extend the life span.


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